DMX LED Driver 4 Channels PWM Decoder RGBW Decoder LED Converter WS2801 Decoder RGB DMX Decoder 4 Channel DMX Decoder

DMX LED Driver 4 Channels PWM Decoder RGBW Decoder LED Converter WS2801 Decoder RGB DMX Decoder 4 Channel DMX Decoder

DMX LED Driver 4 Channels PWM Decoder RGBW Decoder LED Converter WS2801 Decoder RGB DMX Decoder 4 Channel DMX Decoder works to convert universal DMX512 digital signal to PWM signal, which controlled by DMX512 console. It's constant voltage ,each channel max output 5A. Realize 0-100%...

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DMX LED Driver 4 Channels PWM Decoder RGBW Decoder LED Converter WS2801 Decoder RGB DMX Decoder 4 Channel DMX Decoder works to convert universal DMX512 digital signal to PWM signal, which controlled by DMX512 console. It's constant voltage ,each channel max output 5A. Realize 0-100% brightness or various changing effect. And can control single color, RGB, RGBW LED lights. Adopting unique programming technology, Creating exclamatory, perfect color fade & smooth effect, simultaneously let LED color more affluent.

4 Channels PWM Decoder 


How to use this product?

This product is in compliance with DMX512 protocol, and compatible auto-index addressing and manual establishment address.

1. Each universal DMX controller takes up 4 DMX addresses. It adopts 2 ways code switch to set up the address. When adopting the autoindex addressing, all switches are “off” status. When adopting the code switch to set up address, the 10th bit(FUN) is “off” status, and other 9 bits are binary value code switch which are used to set up the DMX starting address code. The first bit is the lowest order bit, and the ninth is the highest order bit. That can set up 511 address codes. The DMX starting address code is equal to the sum of 1st to 9th bit. If move down one bit of code switch (“ON” set “1”), you can get the placevalue of this bit. If move up (set “0”), the placevalue is 0. For example: if you want to set up DMX starting address code for 73, you should move down the 7th, 4th, and 1st bit of code switch for “1”, and others for “0”, Then the placevalue’s sum of 1st to 9th bit is 64+8+1. That is to say, the DMX512 starting address code is 73. (The correspondence dials code position is as follows)

3Cinnolighting is one of the top level 3Cinnolighting China dmx led driver 4 channels pwm decoder rgbw decoder led converter ws2801 decoder rgb dmx decoder 4 channel dmx decoder manufacturers and suppliers, we are always at your service.


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