Add: 3rd Floor Block 5 Jiuyang Industrial Park Xiuxi Road No.57 Fuhai Street Bao'an District,Shenzhen 3Cinnolighting China
Tel/Whatsapp: 0086 134 8089 3292
E-mail: info@3cinnolighting.com
3Cinnolighting is one of the top level 3Cinnolighting China 5a constant voltage 3ch dmx decoder manufacturers and suppliers, we are always at your service.
120mm DMX LED Pixel
Master-Slave Controller
WS2811 LED Module (32x32mm)
PWM Decoder 3 Channels PWM Decoder DMX To PWM Decode...
50mm DMX Square LED Pixel Indoor(New Arrival)
36 Pixels DMX Panel (30x30cm)